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Time passage montage (Obey the Word Limit)

Submitted by: Sarah

Topic: Adventure races in Michigan

Word limit: 114

2013: It starts with a picture of a man and a woman mid-leap over flaming coals. Loud clothes, bandanas, ecstatic.

2014: Crossing over into costume territory. Mismatched polyester knee-highs and nondescript shirts. Mud reveals the letters "NEWLYWEDS." Kitschy veil and lace gloves, a gift.

2015: No posed photo this year, it's tradition, old hat. Water gallons and dish soap in the trunk.

2016: He's filthy in the picture, but she's clean, both beaming. Another muddy shirt reveal: "COMING FEB 2017." A staged, muddy handprint on her belly.

2017: He shows an outstretched hand to the camera – five fingers. She points the infant in the carrier toward the course – "There's Daddy, on the big slide."